
Thursday 7 July 2011

Literature Articles

Do Ghost Writer And Copy Writer act the same ?

 There have been time when we get confused by the terms ghost writing and copywriting. Digging out the answer,  there is not major difference between these two. 

In e publishing industry, copy writing and ghost writing both involve the enlisting  of a writer to create the narrators content for readers in a readable manner. Different titles are given to different positions and each has different works to perform and responsibilities. But there is a slight difference between these two professions, let’s have a look at similarities and differences of each of them.

Similarities between ghostwriter and Copy writer
• Both copywriting and ghost writing have a similarity that in both process, writer writes the material on behalf of the client.
• In both the cases writer have to sacrifice his or her name.
• The name ghost writing seems, something mysterious but it is not like that it has close resemblance with copy writing and both the terms are interchangeable.
• In copy writing, a client, a client can publish the articles which are written for him for the reference articles to other clients. It differs in ghost writing. Here the client is allowed to put his or her own name without any reference of the original writer. Ghost writers are only paid for the content nothing else.
Differences between ghost writer and Copy writer
• Copy writing is the term generally used in the context of sales pages, promotional letters which are designed to ring new customers. But ghost writing is the term referring biographies, articles, scripts, blogs and newsletters etc. Sometimes these terms are interchangeable and often used in both the context.
• The ghost writer is the person who writes for someone else with that person’s name and copy writer also writes the same but the articles written by copywriter are sometimes referred as “Copy” and client publishes them with their own name.
• Ghost writing seems more creative than copy writing. It needs more skills and efforts to personalize the thoughts. Copy writing doesn’t need personalization of the thoughts. It only needs good command over language and technicalinformation. In short a ghost writer can be a copy writer but for a copy writer it’s quite challenging to be a ghost writer.
 Therefore,  we  can conclude  that even if copy writing and ghost writing seem same, they are quite different.  as long as you  search for the same services, you are on the right way. Go for and find the ghost writer you are looking for. You will get a good idea and options for ghost writing and copy writing there.

Literature fulfillment – an integral part of marketing strategies

There are various stages in the life of a product. All the stages are equally important and without a single step, a product would not be ready to be sold in the market. Among all these steps, supply chain management is a very crucial step. Marketing is also covered under this. And today marketing has probably become the most crucial part, as it is on the marketing campaigns that a product is valued. Companies who cannot handle the marketing and supply chain management by themselves delegate it to a marketing collateral fulfillment company. This company takes care of the entire process of supply chain management and also marketing.

Many marketing collateral fulfillment companies also provide literature fulfillment on the demand of the client. There are many clients that are interested in literature fulfillment services. Through this, the fulfillment company can ship hundreds and thousands of literature orders per day. Various types of books, magazines, catalogs, mail pieces, marketing materials, sales materials etc are all considered as literature when talking on fulfillment terms. An efficient marketing collateral fulfillment service company will take immense care of shipping all such products to the client destination in the best manner, in the least possible time.

A good marketing collateral fulfillment company will accept orders of literature fulfillment by various means. They will accept orders over phone, fax, and e-mail as well as through direct client meetings. There are customer care cells of such fulfillment companies where direct orders for literature fulfillment are also taken. Special care is taken of literature materials as they tend to get damaged very easily. Books, manuals, catalogs, sales and marketing materials are all made of paper, so there are high chances of wear and tear of the things while movement or transportation. Some companies also provide good printing materials to the clients for their satisfaction.

Not only that, if the complete responsibility of marketing collateral fulfillment is given to the fulfillment company, they will also be able to guide the client regarding the amount of literature fulfillment they will need for further promotion or marketing campaigns. They will also help in assessing the quantity and quality management of the literature products. If the order of literature fulfillment is large, the fulfillment company will definitely need a warehouse or a storehouse where all these materials can be stored and kept free from damage. Selection of a proper storage space is very important for such products.

The marketing collateral fulfilment company will also take care of the packing and transportation of such literature goods. Most of such materials are packed in carton boxes and made ready for transportation. Adequate safety and security measures are taken so that minimal or no damage is incurred on them while transportation. It is also assured by the fulfillment services that the order of the literature fulfillment reaches the client in proper shape and most importantly in the designated time line. The satisfaction of the client is the biggest achievement for any fulfillment company. It will be a credit for the fulfillment company as well as the main business organization.

A Historical Perspective of Urdu Poetry

The ancestry of Urdu balladry can be traced as far aback as the 13th century, if some poets of in the arctic of India started experimenting with the style. But the archetypal anatomy of Urdu balladry that we avant-garde bodies accept appear to apperceive did not absolutely yield on a final appearance until the 17th century, if Urdu became the official accent of the cloister in the Indian subcontinent.

Urdu balladry acquired immense acceptance in the 18th aeon if Urdu replaced Persian as the above accent of the region. Urdu balladry has its linguistic roots categorical in Persian, Turkish, and Arabic, and this colourful mix of cultural and linguistic conventions was one of the affidavit why it came to be admired by so abounding humans in the Indian subcontinent.

In the 18th century, there was a absence of newspaper, media, and accessible information, so Urdu balladry became a way for humans to acquaint with anniversary added about the amusing and political woes of the time. One of the a lot of accepted forms of this advice was alleged a "Mushaira", which was a amusing accident area poets aggregate to apprehend their works to the audience. The Urdu balladry that was apprehend at these Mushairas adhered to actual austere rules of accent that were generally bent afore the accident took place. They were age-old aswell competitive, abundant like the competitions that were captivated in the age-old Greek and Roman empires.

At every Mushaira, there was a main, or authoritative artist who was usually the a lot of accepted and honourable artist at the gathering. In the Mushairas of the 18th century, a candle would be anesthetized from the everyman baronial Urdu artist at the acquisition to the authoritative artist as a assurance of respect. Urdu balladry became a awful admired art and associates of ability generally approved the aggregation of acclaimed poets.

At so it is that the 18th aeon produced some of the a lot of alluring works of Urdu poetry. However, abounding of the a lot of admired balladry of the time were absent because a poet's works were alone appear afterwards he accomplished fame. With a arresting affinity to the apple of corrective art, abounding of the a lot of admired works of a admired Urdu artist were alone appear several years afterwards his death. The balladry of Nazir, conceivably the greatest Urdu artist that anytime lived, were alone appear 80 years afterwards he died.

The abstraction of Urdu poetry's history is an amazing adventure that is abounding of artifice for the absorbed reader. But conceivably the a lot of amazing affair about Urdu balladry is the way it continues to advance as an art and a anatomy of announcement today. In band with the appearance of internet, several online Urdu balladry communities accept accustomed themselves in cyberspace. Some of these cover a Shayari aperture of acclaimed poets, an Urdu Artist appointment and community, and a website that allows you to download Mushaira audio and video. Today's admirers of Urdu balladry appear from abounding altered locations of the world, and the art has accustomed all-embracing acceptance from some of the a lot of admired arcane abstracts of avant-garde times.

The Unicorn Women

A Childrens Story -- The Unicorn Women -- June 07,2010
A woman sat in her cabin lamenting her plight. Her husband was recently deceased, her children still small, and her flock of sheep had dwindled to impoverishing scantness. She didn't know if there would be enough meat for the winter, and enough wool to knit goods for sale to see them through till spring. There came a knock on the door.

"Who comes calling at this hour?" She asked.
"She of the Radiant Eyes" came the answer.
Common sense would have told one not to open the door to such a reply. But she felt oddly compelled,and opened the door. In came a tall woman of Amazon height. She wore the furs and leathers of a mountain tribeswoman. Her eyes were glowing white, and in the middle of her forehead was a horn about 6 inches long. She carried a large sack of wool. without a word she sat herself before the hearth and silently and quickly began to card it. The woman wanted to talk to her, or at least offer some hospitality. But she found herself unable to move or speak. Of course this made her on the verge of hysteria,she must be under somekind of witchery!! A moment later, another knock upon the door came.
"Who comes calling at this hour?" She asked same as before,somehow able to speak only this.
"She of the Golden Spindle" came the answer.
And as before she was compelled to let the woman in. She looked much the same as the other, even the horn on her head,but her eyes did not glow. And at her waist a Golden Spindle hung from her belt. The tribeswoman sat next to the other horned woman,and silently began to spin the carded wool while the lady watched unable to move or say anything. After a goodly amount of yarn had been spun,there came yet another knock on the door.
"Who comes calling at this hour?" the lady of the house asked again.
"She of the Silver Needles" came the reply.
She was let in also. This woman looked much the same as the second horned woman. In her hands she carried a pair of silver knitting needles. The woman sits next to the other two and begins to knit the spun yarn. She of the Radiant Eyes speaks to the woman for the first time.
"Lady make us some bread for our due."
Compelled to comply,she gets water from the well to mix with the meal,and bakes it in the hearth oven. After finishing 9 loaves (three for each), she sits and watches them work silently, unable to do anything else. The horned women begin to chant in sing-song rhymes,ancient and hypnotic. The Lady of the house watched in amazement. The sack must have been enchanted as the women chant and work all night without running out of wool.The last bit of wool had been carded, spun, and knitted just before the Cocks crow heralded morning. Suddenly they take up their tools and the bread. She of the Radiant Eyes speaks once more to the lady.
"For the young ones,thank you for the bread."
With that they take their leave. After they depart,she finds she is able to move and speak once more. She is  heart-warmed at their generosity. For behind them they had left all that they had magically knitted. Several shawls and blankets, that would have taken her a year to knit. She didn't know who or even what they are,but she was grateful,and in their debt. She smiled and hummed a happy tune as she folded them and got them ready for market.



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